The Stonewall Jackson House relies on contributions from friends and visitors to enable us to preserve the Stonewall Jackson House and its collections, and to educate the public about the life and times of the man who became the legendary Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. Donate now using our secure online contribution form.
The Stonewall Jackson House is owned and operated by the Virginia Military Institute. While the house does receive technical support from VMI, it does not receive state funding. Support for the house comes from admission fees, sales in the Museum Shop, and contributions from people like you.
To donate, click here to be taken to the VMI Alumni Association, Inc. donation page. SEARCH for Stonewall Jackson House. SELECT Stonewall Jackson House. PRESS Next to complete donation.
Make a difference and DONATE NOW to the VMI Foundation, INC. for the benefit of the Stonewall Jackson House.
Your bequest can help sustain the Stonewall Jackson House and its educational programs. Please consider naming the VMI Foundation, Inc. in your will, with a designated gift in support of the Stonewall Jackson House.
All contributions are deductible for income tax purposes. A financial statement is available upon request from the State Office of Consumer Affairs.
Above: Image of Thomas J. Jackson by William Garl Browne, 1869.