The materials on this page are designed to help teachers introduce or reinforce concepts presented to students during a visit to the Stonewall Jackson House. While they may be used as stand-alone lesson plans, the materials work better when coupled with a field trip to the house.
“Stonewall” Jackson’s Virginia Map Exercise
Mapping exercise in which students identify key geographic regions of Virginia, Civil War battlefields and dates.
• Geared to grade 4
• SOLs: History and Social Science VS.1i, VS.2b, VS.2c
Visiting the Jackson House
A reading selection followed by instructions for making your own calling cards.
• Geared to grades 4 and 5
• SOLs: History and Social Science VS.1a, USI.1a; English 4.3a, 4.3b, 5.4a
Family Tree
Contains a short history of Jackson’s family which may be read aloud to students, or read by students themselves; also contains guidelines for students to prepare their own family trees.
• Geared to grades 4 and 5
• SOLs: History and Social Science VS.1e, USI.1b
Jackson’s Antebellum Travels
A mapping activitity. Students locate and label various places, then draw their own conclusions about
19th century travel and culture.
• Geared to grades 4 and 5
• SOLs: History and Social Science VS.1d, VS.1h, VS.1i, USI.1e, USI.2d; English 4.3a,
5.4a, 5.6c
A Letter to “My Dear Nephew”
An introduction to primary sources, and an exercise in spelling and grammar.
• Geared to grades 4 and 5
• SOLs: History and Social Science VS.1a, USI.1a; English 4.8, 5.9
Daily Routine of Major Jackson
Students use secondary sources to compare and contrast their daily routine with Thomas J. Jackson's.
• Geared to grades 4 and 5
• SOLs: History and Social Science VS1.1a, VS1.1d, VS1.1e, USI.1a, USI.1b; English 4.1d,
4.1e, 5.1a
Discovering Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson: A Biography
A reading selection followed by a reading comprehension exercise.
• Geared to grade 5
• SOLs: English 5.4a, 5.6g
Above: Image of Thomas J. Jackson taken in Mexico, 1847.